See anything wrong with this shirt? I'm not referring to the fact that I got an Ainsley collar when I'm quite sure I asked for forward points, but to the fact that a Malaysian-made shirt was put in a bag claiming U.S., union-made provenance. (It's hard to see with the quality of camera available to me but the label says MADE IN MALAYSIA while the bag says MADE IN USA/UNION OF NEEDLETRADES, INDUSTRIAL AND TEXTILE EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO-CLC.)
UNITE HERE -- the successor to the Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees, or UNITE -- claims on
its Web site that Brooks Brothers offers union-made shirts, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Whether we unite here, unite there, unite now or unite some other time, can we at least get our labeling straight?
I enjoyed the recent blogs, Eric. (Maybe the union label refers to the packaging rather than the shirt, itself. So the plastic sleeve may be the only part made in America.) I also checked out your Amazon wish list, and I guess for the most part you can keep on wishing.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a big fan of Unions. They have ruined any industry (including government) that they have touched. While I'm not thrilled about all of our jobs having been exported over the years to China, India, Malaysia etc...If that shirt was made in the US under the union label, it would probably cost $250 and you wouldn't buy it...